
Viewing 17 - 25 out of 25 posts


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The path to being seen & accepted as your beautiful, true authentic Self... is to first gift that loving awareness to yourself.

Happy New Year Dear Friends! A new year always feels like a time of contemplation, taking stock of what lessons the last year brought and what I would like to see Read More

No need to Compare Your Life Pain

The measuring of your painful experiences to another’s and deeming it not as “bad” is a form of self-rejection.   This comparison and negating of your history are a reinforcing Read More

There is no need to compare your life pain with anyone else's. If it hurt you it was bad enough.

Dear Friends, The measuring of your painful experiences to another’s and deeming it not as “bad” is a form of self-rejection.   This comparison and negating of your history are a Read More

Expand Your Sense of Safety

Hello Friends, I have just completed the first module of SSR training, based on the book “Somatic Resilience & Regulation, Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma”, coauthored by Kathy Kain, Read More

Practicing Mental & Physical Wellness

Mental health struggles do not show. PTSD, chronic anxiety, depression or grief all can hide behind the seemingly "I'm fine" exterior. At the very core of life, nothing is more Read More

Listening to Emotions and Welcoming All

In my journey to become an SE Practitioner and now studying the Internal Family Systems modality, one of the pearls of wisdom I have learned is the ability for us Read More

Life Transitions

Transitions in life are filled with feelings that are uncomfortable, uncertain, exciting and can also be lengthy, boring and feel stale.  It can encompass all the flatness of a prairie Read More

Legacy of 2020, the Curse, Blessings and Threads Hope

My word to start out this year was "intentional", and while I was able to fulfill some of that intentionality there was a big pothole on 2020's road of life, Read More

Overriding Emotions

We all are good at overriding our nervous system, to push more, be more and try harder.  We have all received the message, at one point, of "buck up and Read More

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