The path to being seen & accepted as your beautiful, true authentic Self... is to first gift that loving awareness to yourself.

Happy New Year Dear Friends!

A new year always feels like a time of contemplation, taking stock of what lessons the last year brought and what I would like to see for 2023.  I shy away from the tradition “resolutions” and like to ask myself the question: “How do I want to loving occur for myself to be my best self?”  This practice reflects my desire to guide others to be able to heal from the past and to live from their truest Self, in the present moment.

This is where the healing can begin, by shredding away roles/masks that are not you and finding out who you truly are at your center.  Some roles/faces that you might wear are parent, teacher, life coach, mechanic, friend and so on.  Some maybe necessary to a certain degree but what if you could insert a little more Authenticity into these.  It takes a lot of energy and taxes the nervous system to be something that you are not. 

In gaining more self awareness you start to build curiosity instead of judgement, and enquire within about; where am I altering me, what and where do I feel it in my body when I do this, who does this occur with, all without judgment.

I invite you to practice the above with self compassion and savor the discovery of your limitless Self and the freedom in the expression of your truth.  It is the best gift you could give yourself.

Please contact me for a free 20-minute consultation to see how Somatic Experiencing and Internal Family Systems can help you on your path to health and wellbeing.

Yours in Love and Light,

Caroldean Jude, SEP

Happy New Year Dear Friends!

A new year always feels like a time of contemplation, taking stock of what lessons the last year brought and what I would like to see for 2023.  I shy away from the tradition “resolutions” and like to ask myself the question: “How do I want to loving occur for myself to be my best self?”  This practice reflects my desire to guide others to be able to heal from the past and to live from their truest Self, in the present moment.

This is where the healing can begin, by shredding away roles/masks that are not you and finding out who you truly are at your center.  Some roles/faces that you might wear are parent, teacher, life coach, mechanic, friend and so on.  Some maybe necessary to a certain degree but what if you could insert a little more Authenticity into these.  It takes a lot of energy and taxes the nervous system to be something that you are not. 

In gaining more self awareness you start to build curiosity instead of judgement, and enquire within about; where am I altering me, what and where do I feel it in my body when I do this, who does this occur with, all without judgment.

I invite you to practice the above with self compassion and savor the discovery of your limitless Self and the freedom in the expression of your truth.  It is the best gift you could give yourself.

Please contact me for a free 20-minute consultation to see how Somatic Experiencing and Internal Family Systems can help you on your path to health and wellbeing.

Yours in Love and Light,

Caroldean Jude, SEP

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