That Gut Feeling is Real

Dear Ones,

Information is powerful. Understanding the way the body and mind work together is an important piece of mental health issues.  They are not separate from each other and are linked through a complex system of neuropathways that are designed for survival.

⁃ Neuroception of safety - social, engaged, connected.  

⁃ Neuroception of danger - mobilized, action taking, fight and flight.

⁃ Neuroception of life-threat - immobilized, shut down, collapsed.

Gently notice where your nervous system lives and/or fluctuates to. Practice bringing awareness to your senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell) to ground your body and mind to the present moment. Slow the breath, exhale longer than inhale x2. Staying in the present offers you the space to separate yourself from any triggers that that may arise.  The ability to slow down, recognize and differentiate the truth from the triggers, is the path towards nervous system restoration and health.

Practice  gentle awareness of your nervous system in slow short amounts (30 seconds). Stay curious, open and self-compassionate. You are not alone, there is hope to regain your sense of safety in the world. 

Please contact me to book an appointment to see how Somatic Therapy can help you become more embodied, present, and vital again.

Yours in Healing,

Caroldean Jude,

Somatic Trauma Therapist

Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner

Transforming Touch ® Practitioner

Internal Family Systems® Therapist

Dear Ones,

Information is powerful. Understanding the way the body and mind work together is an important piece of mental health issues.  They are not separate from each other and are linked through a complex system of neuropathways that are designed for survival.

⁃ Neuroception of safety - social, engaged, connected.  

⁃ Neuroception of danger - mobilized, action taking, fight and flight.

⁃ Neuroception of life-threat - immobilized, shut down, collapsed.

Gently notice where your nervous system lives and/or fluctuates to. Practice bringing awareness to your senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell) to ground your body and mind to the present moment. Slow the breath, exhale longer than inhale x2. Staying in the present offers you the space to separate yourself from any triggers that that may arise.  The ability to slow down, recognize and differentiate the truth from the triggers, is the path towards nervous system restoration and health.

Practice  gentle awareness of your nervous system in slow short amounts (30 seconds). Stay curious, open and self-compassionate. You are not alone, there is hope to regain your sense of safety in the world. 

Please contact me to book an appointment to see how Somatic Therapy can help you become more embodied, present, and vital again.

Yours in Healing,

Caroldean Jude,

Somatic Trauma Therapist

Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner

Transforming Touch ® Practitioner

Internal Family Systems® Therapist

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