Allowing is An Empowerment of Choice

Dear Ones,

Allowing is the internal practice of accepting things as they are/were as a gift to ourselves.  To choose to end the struggle of self rejection, self shaming or numbing of self, to the past.  It takes energy to bury wounds in the basement of our soma labeled "trauma", which ends up in costing our health and feelings of well being. Allowing is the practice of gentle acceptance of what has happened, how it has affected us, and beginning the process of healing. 

In experiencing early attachment wounds, oftentimes the idea of having a choice is not even in the realm of possibility.  Not having the lived experience of emotional/physical choice, often creates the foundation of being in "survival self" in our nervous systems.  In trying to seek safety as a small humans, we create behaviors, altering our essence and hiding our souls. This results in the foundation of early experiences of the world as one of less threat or more threat, and no sense of safety.

As we get older the suppression of true self, living in survival self leaves us distrusting of ourselves/others and feeling disconnected.  There is that subtle allure of "if I adapt to my surroundings, I will not be rejected, I will be safe", but what if we gave ourselves the freedom of not needing to suppress, alter or change who we are.  These early nervous system adaptations and behaviors, get in the way of living to our true potential and finding our joy and authenticity.

I invite you to allow for the possibility of choice, and not grasp onto the surrender energy of “I have always been this way, I can't change”. Allowing the gentle acceptance of past experiences, to free up your right to choose to be more. To begin healing, by shedding the survival self, and choosing life not tainted by past trauma. Reach for it, it has been there lovingly waiting for you. 

With warm appreciation,

Caroldean Jude

Somatic Trauma Therapist

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

Transforming Touch Practitioner

Internal Family Systems Therapist

Dear Ones,

Allowing is the internal practice of accepting things as they are/were as a gift to ourselves.  To choose to end the struggle of self rejection, self shaming or numbing of self, to the past.  It takes energy to bury wounds in the basement of our soma labeled "trauma", which ends up in costing our health and feelings of well being. Allowing is the practice of gentle acceptance of what has happened, how it has affected us, and beginning the process of healing. 

In experiencing early attachment wounds, oftentimes the idea of having a choice is not even in the realm of possibility.  Not having the lived experience of emotional/physical choice, often creates the foundation of being in "survival self" in our nervous systems.  In trying to seek safety as a small humans, we create behaviors, altering our essence and hiding our souls. This results in the foundation of early experiences of the world as one of less threat or more threat, and no sense of safety.

As we get older the suppression of true self, living in survival self leaves us distrusting of ourselves/others and feeling disconnected.  There is that subtle allure of "if I adapt to my surroundings, I will not be rejected, I will be safe", but what if we gave ourselves the freedom of not needing to suppress, alter or change who we are.  These early nervous system adaptations and behaviors, get in the way of living to our true potential and finding our joy and authenticity.

I invite you to allow for the possibility of choice, and not grasp onto the surrender energy of “I have always been this way, I can't change”. Allowing the gentle acceptance of past experiences, to free up your right to choose to be more. To begin healing, by shedding the survival self, and choosing life not tainted by past trauma. Reach for it, it has been there lovingly waiting for you. 

With warm appreciation,

Caroldean Jude

Somatic Trauma Therapist

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

Transforming Touch Practitioner

Internal Family Systems Therapist

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