Blue Butterfly Healing Somatic Circle

Dear ones,

I have just completed my certification in Transforming the Experienced-Based Brain® (TEB) modality to become a Transforming Touch® Practitioner, and I am excited to share this gentle healing experience on a bigger scale.

What is Transforming the Experienced-Based Brain?

TEB is a Regulation Based Modality.  The modality is based on the theory that when we experience ruptures during our development years, the continue to disrupt our lives at any age.  This disruption can be seen as behavioral challenges, psychological challenges, spiritual challenges, and physical challenges.   As a Transforming Touch® Practitioner it is my passion to create a safe place for you to experience healing through a lens of safety, presence, and regulation.  I know that your body already knows how to heal itself if it is allowed more safety and less survival energy.

As a TT Practitioner, I see you as whole and complete from the moment you enter my Healing Space/Office.  I do not rely on pathology to label my clients.  I lean into the ideal that your body is capable of creating new neural pathways in your brain that allow for less stress/anxiety and more ability to learn, relate, and heal.

I will be meeting with group members individually by telephone for a 30-minute discussion/goal setting prior to group start, that is included in the six-session fee of $210.  I will be available in between for individual sessions as well as a quick check in. 

It is my hope in this offering, that I will be able to share the possibility of greater regulation, presence, and vitality for life for all group members. Healing is possible and you deserve to claim back your life from past experiences/trauma that may be keeping you stuck.

Spaces are limited and I hope to see you there!  For more information please contact me at 250-215-0080 or [email protected]

With warm appreciation,

Caroldean Jude,

Somatic Trauma Therapist

Transforming Touch® Practitioner

Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner

Internal Family Systems Therapist

Dear ones,

I have just completed my certification in Transforming the Experienced-Based Brain® (TEB) modality to become a Transforming Touch® Practitioner, and I am excited to share this gentle healing experience on a bigger scale.

What is Transforming the Experienced-Based Brain?

TEB is a Regulation Based Modality.  The modality is based on the theory that when we experience ruptures during our development years, the continue to disrupt our lives at any age.  This disruption can be seen as behavioral challenges, psychological challenges, spiritual challenges, and physical challenges.   As a Transforming Touch® Practitioner it is my passion to create a safe place for you to experience healing through a lens of safety, presence, and regulation.  I know that your body already knows how to heal itself if it is allowed more safety and less survival energy.

As a TT Practitioner, I see you as whole and complete from the moment you enter my Healing Space/Office.  I do not rely on pathology to label my clients.  I lean into the ideal that your body is capable of creating new neural pathways in your brain that allow for less stress/anxiety and more ability to learn, relate, and heal.

I will be meeting with group members individually by telephone for a 30-minute discussion/goal setting prior to group start, that is included in the six-session fee of $210.  I will be available in between for individual sessions as well as a quick check in. 

It is my hope in this offering, that I will be able to share the possibility of greater regulation, presence, and vitality for life for all group members. Healing is possible and you deserve to claim back your life from past experiences/trauma that may be keeping you stuck.

Spaces are limited and I hope to see you there!  For more information please contact me at 250-215-0080 or [email protected]

With warm appreciation,

Caroldean Jude,

Somatic Trauma Therapist

Transforming Touch® Practitioner

Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner

Internal Family Systems Therapist

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